Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Expat Training in Virtual Worlds

The group Expat Training was established in Second Life with the purpose to provide cross-cultural training for individuals, expatriates and their families in and by using virtual worlds.


If you are considering to move to a real foreign destination or major city, you can sign-up to virtual pre-arrival tours and expat meet-ups at these mentioned general locations. Upon demand, such tours are composed in a pre-disposed virtual area of your virtual counterpart.

From a home or office computer, you as expat and your families can download guides, meet at a personal guided tour, get an idea of the layout of the foreign city and the distances involved, and experience the courtesies and customs in the new location before you arrive.

You can also become acquainted with local networking groups and community meet-ups prior to your arrival.

Check our Virtual Help Desk for initial, enabling, and skill building processes as Newbie:


We are also working on a mixed reality service module, and this service also intends to put foot into other virtual domains. Check the Ning "Virtual World e-Learning" for more:



Jakob-Reiner-Str. 36
D-88250 Weingarten
Mobile: +49-176-54016058
Fax+Voice-To-Email: +49-1212-510437727
Skype: eurominuteman

50MB Email: james.oreilly@web.de
MSN: joreilly@hotmail.de

Google Mail: eurominuteman@googlemail.com
Google Wave: eurominuteman@googlewave.com

Google Wave Team DE > EN-US

Second Life: Eurominuteman Jameson

EU-VAT-IdNo.: DE146346525


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